

Welcome to my personal website! Here, you’ll find insights into my journey as an entrepreneur, business consultant, and creative professional. Explore my services, creative portfolio, and articles on business, design, and innovation. Whether you’re seeking expertise or inspiration, I invite you to connect and collaborate.

Let’s create meaningful impact together!


My Co-Founded Businesses

Advisers Agency

A business consultancy offering services in business development, entrepreneurship, digital marketing, graphic design, and website creation.


A technology-driven company specializing in IT services, CCTV & Low Current solutions, computers and laptops, and cloud-based solutions.

GalssTurk Factory

A manufacturing company focused on custom glasswork, including glass facades, sandblasting, and bespoke architectural glass projects.

What’s New?

Discover My Recent Workshops & Events!

Stay updated on my latest projects, insights, Activities, Workshops and events. Explore new ventures, creative work, and industry highlights. Check back for fresh updates and inspirations!

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Events & Workshops
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Gaved Hrs Training
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Attended Hrs Training
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My Professional Journey at a Glance

Explore my timeline below to see how my skills and experience have evolved over the years!

Here, you’ll find a structured journey of my professional growth, highlighting the key roles, achievements, and experiences that have shaped my expertise. From leadership and business strategy to marketing and design, each step has contributed to my passion for innovation and excellence.

Fresh Ideas, Bold Perspectives!

Dive into thought-provoking articles, expert analyses, and innovative strategies to keep you informed and inspired.

We Can Ensure a Secure and Comfortable Future

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Get In Touch with me Anytime!

Jihad Turkmani

Business Adviser

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